Posted: April 9th, 2013

Analysis the real-world example of a business facing a social responsibility issue.

There is one-paragraph description of the company and its issue in attachment.
Your Analysis outline:
1: Introduction–
A : The major facts of the situation
B : who are the major parties directly involved?
C : wHO ARE the parties indirectly affevted by the situation?

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2: Analysis—
A : What problem
B : What led to this becoming a social responsibility issue for the company?
C : What are the ethical underpinings of the situation
D : What are the wider issues at play there

3 : Recommendation
A: What, if anything,should the organzition do?
B: How will your proposal address the situation?
C: What is the major lesson to be learned from this case

Major DON’TS of the analyses write-ups:

Don’t engage in rhetoric.
Don’t try to woo me with eloquence-I am looking for substance.

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