Posted: September 13th, 2017

analysis the video red sorghum

analysis the video red sorghum

More details:
• Discuss the location and significance of the clip within the general narrative of the film
• Give a detailed reading of the clip, paying attention to cinematic elements/techniques
• IMPORTANT: Objective = to use a short sequence in order to make a larger point or argument
about the film
• Your reading should be oriented towards this larger point
• Be selective about what elements you discuss in your reading
• Concentrate on the formal and aesthetic details that pertain to the larger point you wish to make
about the film
• Do not make random observations and generalizations about the clip
• Do not simply list the shots or elements—you should try to make a point about the meaning of those
shots or the function and/or effects of those elements
• Do not waste words on plot summary except to explain your point (your readers have seen the film)
Suggested guide to assignment:
• Watch the clip carefully & repeatedly
o Make a list of all the elements of the clip that you notice; review terminology
• Decide what is important
o What interests you most in/about the clip? What aspects seem most important in light of the
film as a whole?
o Is there an element or technique that stands out or is toned down? Why?
o Be thinking about repetition, variation & contrast
• Come up with an argument
o Think about what effect these elements have, what function they serve in the clip & film
o Which of the film’s themes does this sequence address, and how does it contribute to that
theme or those themes?
• Structure your paper, linking argument & evidence
o Beginning: introduce your specific argument or the question you bring to the text
o Present this as an effect of specific cinematic techniques which you then will analyze in
greater detail
o Organize your analysis
o Provide a conclusion
• Writing
o Check spelling & grammar
o Use formal, not colloquial (i.e. casual spoken) language
o Film titles are italicized (or put into quotation marks); directors are named in full 1st time and
by their surnames subsequently


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