Posted: September 14th, 2017

Analyze a Health Theory or Model

Analyze a Health Theory or Model

As a health professional, it is important to understand the theories and models that underlie your work. They can be indispensible in guiding your decisions and actions. In this Discussion, you will apply a health theory or model to the levels of influence in the social ecology of health model.

To prepare for this Assignment: Review the models and theories from Chapter 4 of the text and Part 2 of “Theory at a Glance.”
Select one model or theory that you studied this week that coincides with one of the five hierarchical levels in the social ecology of health model.
• Reflect upon how the model or theory explains a health condition associated with the previously Healthy People assigned focus area.

Assignment: Write a 1-page comprehension response to the following:
(1). In your own words, describe one way that the chosen theory explains your Healthy People assigned focus area, ( assigned area Environmental Health). Use terms from the model or theory in your explanation, and be sure to cite your sources appropriately.

(2). Now state the hierarchical level or levels (i.e., interpersonal, intrapersonal, organizational, community, and society) in the social ecology of health model that corresponds with your chosen theory. Please explain why it is related to the hierarchical level(s).
(3). Be sure to cite your supporting documentation appropriately in correct APA format.
Coreil, J. (Ed.). (2010). Social and behavioral foundations of public health (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Course Text: Social and Behavioral Foundations of Public Health

Chapter 4, “Behavioral and Social Science Theory”

This chapter explains health theories and models that are dominant in the field. It also maps each theory or model to a level of the social ecology of health model. Key concepts in social science research and practice are also addressed.

Chapter 6, “The Social Environment and Health”

The social environment (human groups, social systems, and institutional settings) is analyzed in the context of the social ecology of health model.
Article: National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2005). Theory at a glance: A guide for health promotion practice. Retrieved from

This week, read “Part 2: Theories and Applications” (pp. 9–31).

Article: Pasick, R. J., Burke, N. J., Barker, J. C., Joseph, G., Bird, J. A., …Guerra, C. (2009). Behavioral theory in a diverse society: Like a compass on Mars. Health Education and Behavior, 36(Suppl. 1). Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.


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