Posted: September 13th, 2017

Analyze and compare two stories “To Set Our House in Order” and" The Boat"

Paper, Order, or Assignment Requirements



Write a clear, concise, and focused essay of approximately 1000 words in which you analyze and compare two stories from “Short Fiction” section in your textbook. Remember that you can focus on similarities and/or differences in the story elements you choose to work with. That is, comparison also involves contrast. In writing this essay, please follow the +/- 10% rule; that is, write no less than 900 words and no more than 1100 words. Please underline or italicize your thesis statement and your topic sentences for each paragraph.

Develop your comparison/contrast around one of these general subjects. This is your basis of comparison, and it will help you formulate your thesis statement and your essay’s title.
• elements of the fantastic or the macabre in two stories
• the representation of race in two stories
• the nature of violence and its effects in two stories
• coming-of-age in two stories
• gender conflict in two stories
• generation conflict in two stories

Compare and contrast how the most appropriate combination of story elements from this list works together with the theme of each story to illuminate the basis of comparison.
• setting
• characterization
• tone
• point of view
• imagery/symbolism
Be sure to review definitions and commentary on these terms throughout this module.


§ It must have an interesting introduction of 5-7 sentences; the introduction should present/contextualize the subject material and have a clearly stated thesis that is in the proper location.
§ It must have a conclusion of 3-5 sentences.
§ It must have at least three evenly developed BODY paragraphs with clearly stated topic sentences that indicate the subject of the paragraph and connect back to the thesis.
§ Each paragraph must include one brief quote (no more than 2 quoted lines) and other necessary references to the text; that is, each paragraph must use specific and sensible details to make its claims. Each paragraph must not be unnecessarily vague.


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