Posted: September 16th, 2017

Analyze at least two major concerns for the federal government concerning the pricing of goods and services. Determine which major concern you believe is the most important to address, and provide a rationale for your response…….

Analyze at least two major concerns for the federal government concerning the pricing of goods and services. Determine which major concern you believe is the most important to address, and provide a rationale for your response.
Categorize at least two factors that VectorCal uses to determine a fair and reasonable price for the navigation system it is marketing to the government. Suggest key reasons why these two factors are important in determining the fair and reasonable prices for VectorCal’s navigation systems. Support your response with one example of the importance of such factors.
•Using the two important factors that you identified in Part 1 of this discussion, suggest the manner in which the proposed price is fair and reasonable for the government to pay. Provide a rationale for your response.

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