Posted: September 13th, 2017

analyze the performance of a firm that interests you, and make a decision whether to buy or sell the stocks of this company. Th

The instruction;

The report is designed to give you the opportunity to analyze the performance of a firm that interests you, and make a decision whether to buy or sell the stocks of

this company. The suggested steps include: 1) choose a firm, 2) collect financial and non-financial information 3) analyze all the information you have and 4) make a

buy/sell suggestion.

Following are the detailed requirements for the final written report.
-Minimum 2 pages and maximum 3 pages in length, excluding any tables or graphs, excluding the reference list.
-Times New Roman font, 12 point, double line spacing, 1 inch margin on all four sides.
-Any tables or graphs that you may want to use should be placed at the end of the paper.
-Show all calculations.
-Indicate the page number at the bottom of each page.
-No cover page needed. .

The following list is designed to be suggestions or examples of the analysis, and it is not a checklist or a minimum requirement. It is also not designed to limit your

scope of the study.
1.Industry analysis: for example, what are the features of the firms industry? Do you think this industry will grow fast?
2.Countries analysis: for example, any risks or benefits associated with the firms particular countries or regions?
3.Measure of the firms short-term Liquidity
4.Measure of the firms long-term credit risk
5.Measures of the firms profitability
6.Trend analysis: for example, compared to the previous years, did this companys performance increased this year?
7.Any contingent liability?
8.Who are the largest investors in this firm?
9.Is there any earnings management pattern found? Do you think the information provided by the firm is reliable?
10.Based on your analysis, what is your recommendation (i.e., sell or buy)?


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