Posted: September 16th, 2017

Ancient Greek Women's Lives

Ancient Greek Women’s Lives

Order Description

writing an 8 page paper on how different generations view the lives of women in ancient Greece in different ways. For instance, all the articles from the early 1900’s focus on the vase paintings of women and how happy and loved the women were. While the articles from late 1900’s to early 2000’s say that women in ancient Greece had so many rules, and were basically prisoners in their own homes. My professor loves quotes! The more quotes in the paper to prove all points made the better. The paper needs a proper thesis, an abstract, a reference page and needs to be in Chicago style. I will upload all of the articles I have been reading. Technically my rough draft is due Wednesday, not the final. Please let me know if there is anything you need. I can find additional resources etc. I have 2 exams in Anatomy this week and I am stressed beyond belief.

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