Posted: September 10th, 2015


Write a detailed annotation that summarizes the central theme and scope of the article. Include the following sections.
In detail:
1. In your own words summarize the main points of the paper. Be sure to include the following:
a. Research questions/ hypotheses
b. Variables and operationalizations
c. Sample and sampling method
d. Method
e. Findings and conclusions

The summary should be the majority of the annotation. Do NOT directly quote unless there is a clear need to. Research questions and hypotheses are usually quoted while typically other content is paraphrased.

2. Explain how this work illuminates your research topic. How can you use the info contained in it for your own proposal?
3. Compare or contrast this work with another you have cited or have read.
4. Evaluate the authority or background of the author—that is, explain why we should trust their work.
5. Comment on the intended audience. Who is the article written for? Why do you think so?
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