Posted: September 13th, 2017

Annotation craft issues

Annotation  craft issues

Annotations: four papers in response to craft issues (craft being what makes us like poetry we like, such

as when one uses metaphor and we really respond to it well, but these craft issues, terms, ideas to write

about, etc., will become clearer to you as we go along). How to do these assignments will also become

clear throughout the semester through my Conferences/lectures, the reading from the text, and the

responses to your work and your classmates’ work. These craft issues will be illustrated in your

papers/annotations through references (quotations, etc.) to your own work and/or work from the text

required for the course or even your classmates’ work and responses. For example, say we are looking at

linebreaks and how they convey meaning in a particular poem. You may decide to look at linebreaks and

how they convey meaning in a poem you write in order to understand linebreaks better. In other words,

you write these annotations to learn about yourselves as writers. The annotations, each, are 12% of your

grade. But, again, I will officially make these assignments with an extensive explanation. Don’t fret if this

seems confusing or overwhelming or you don’t even know what I mean when I say, “linebreaks”!: Things

will become clear. You aren’t alone. And, it doesn’t mean—because you don’t know these terms—that

you aren’t a wonderful writer! Having said that, you can always research ahead and look up and study

anything you don’t know! And after the fact, too! You want to be as detailed and thorough as you can!


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