Posted: May 19th, 2017

Annoyed by repeated encroachments on his territory, Raoul Grisseau, a minor drug lord, had his men kidnap the daughter of his competitor’s girlfriend. Grisseau then called the little girl’s mother and demanded that she persuade her boyfriend to go to a certain secluded spot “for a meeting.” Suppose she complies and her boyfriend is killed (as she knows he would be). Under the MPC

Annoyed by repeated encroachments on his territory, Raoul Grisseau, a minor drug lord, had his men kidnap the daughter of his competitor’s girlfriend. Grisseau then called the little girl’s mother and demanded that she persuade her boyfriend to go to a certain secluded spot “for a meeting.” Suppose she complies and her boyfriend is killed (as she knows he would be). Under the MPC: a. As far as imminence is concerned, the threatened harm would be sufficient to provide a defense of duress if a person of reasonable firmness in the same situation would have been unable to resist. b. The mother would need to show that her fear was “wellgrounded.” c. Both of the above.

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