Posted: September 13th, 2017

Answer Questions

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1.Define the term ID-dependent entity and give an example other than one in this text. Draw an IE Crow’s Foot E-R diagram for your example.
2.Define the term weak entity and give an example other than the one used in this text. Draw an IE Crow’s Foot E-R diagram for your example.
3.What is an exclusive subtype relationship? Give an example other than one shown in this chapter. Draw an IE Crow’s Foot E-R diagram for your example.
4.Give an example of a recursive relationship other than the one shown in this chapter. Draw an IE Crow’s Foot E-R diagram for your example.
5.Develop a data model of a genealogical diagram. Model only biological parents; do not model stepparents. Use the IE Crow’s Foot E-R model for your E-R diagrams.
6.Suppose that Heather Sweeney wants to include records of her consulting services in her database. Extend the data model in Figure 4-20(c) to include CONSULTING_PROJECT and DAILY_PROJECT_HOURS entities. CONSULTING_PROJECT contains data about a particular project for one of her customers, and DAILY_PROJECT_HOURS contains data about the hours spent and a description of the work accomplished on a particular day for a particular project. Use strong and/or weak entities as appropriate. Specify minimum and maximum cardinalities. Use the IE Crow’s Foot E-R model for your E-R diagrams.
7.Extend your work for question 6 to include supplies that Heather uses on a project. Assume that she wants to track the description, price, and amount used of each supply. Supplies are used on multiple days of a project. Use the IE Crow’s Foot E-R model for your E-R diagrams.

(use Visio then copy it to word file)

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