Posted: September 13th, 2017

answer the question below

answer the question below

some comments should be written on the side of the program in order for the professor to see that i did not copy from the internet.
Explanations should be just stating clearly the rule sometimes and very briefly why it was used.
it needs to run on x code

BUS220 – Mini    Programming    Project
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Simple Hangman Game!
You must write a project program. It should be chosen to demonstrate your understanding of
and ability to use the different constructs covered in the course. The suggested topic is to
create a simple 2-player hangman game. Two players can play a series of hangman games at
for each game won the player will gain 2 points for each game lost will gain one. At the end
the program should display the scorecard and the winner (you can assume that the word
length limit is 10 characters). Each user can have 4 wrong guesses before losing.
! Includes Screen output, Keyboard input.
Example: Inputs 10 characters (forming the word) storing each in a different variable and
prints out a corresponding start of the hangman and ten spaces
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Try to guess the word: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Grade    D
! Includes Decisions and calculation, and all constructions above.
! Comments included (may give no additional information over the lines they comment)
! Indentation attempted (it may be inconsistently applied)
Example: Asks user for a character and if it exists in the word it outputs the character in the
correct place. If the character in not in the word then starts the hangman
Grade    C- or    C
! Includes Loops, and all constructions above.
! Comments are helpful, (though too many may be given).
! Some use of well chosen variable names which give some information about use
Example: Allows two people to play one typing in the word the clears the screen and the
other person guesses characters until either finds the word or looses. a single game of noughts
and crosses using the computer as the board. No correction of
Grade    C+    or    B- ! Includes Loops within loops and all constructions above.
! Well commented program – comments helpful and appropriately placed
! Consistent use of variable names which give a clear indication of their use (perhaps
making comments about them redundant)
! Variable declarations placed only at the head of blocks
Example: Allows two people to play a series of games. Keeps the score for each player.
Grade    B    or    B+
! Program split into more than 2 functions with well-defined tasks
! Pointers are used
! Functions individually commented
! Programs split into separate functions with information passed via arguments
! Variable declarations within blocks that reduce scope to a minimum – limited use of
Example: As above, except that parts of the program are now recorded in a function.
Grade    A- or    A
! Includes Arrays and or Structs
Example: As above, except the words are kept as arrays of chars and the user might not
repeat a word that has been used before.

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