Posted: September 13th, 2017

answering questions

answering questions

Order Description

Answer from CHAPTER 8 ON the book the question page A-256 question (4) AND page A-259 question (15-20) Answer QUESTIONS the questions are 4 , 15 and 20 please make sure QUESTION 20 SHOULD USE THIS DETAILS (for prob. 20 create an optimistic and pessimistic scenario varying expected crowd, average concession expenditures and fixed costs) . you have to login with my username and password. This is the website you have to login MYMISLAB.COM username: [email protected] Password: nada1991 when you login you click on the top left side GBA-327-CA01-SP15-ROGICH after that you click on Pearson eText after that you click Enter after that put the page number A-256 and A-259 PLEASE YOU HAVE TO USE EXCEL2013 please be on time and I want perfect details because I am going to do presentation on this assignment. PLEASE BE ON TIME

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