Posted: June 17th, 2015

anticoagulant safety in clinical practice

Anticoagulant in clinical practice:
This is the first part of my dissertation,
Introduction (You may use up to three heading and two subheadings in each section if necessary)

1- Prevalence of cardiovascular disease (stork, coronary heart disease atrial fibrillation and deep vein thrombosis) in the word then the prevalence in the UK includes the risk of cardiovascular disease and mortality and morbidity rate particularly in the UK. (I need up to date information 2015 or 2014)
2- The economic effect of this disease in the UK.
3- Role of anticoagulant in the treatment of this disease particularly in Stork, atrial fibrillation, deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism.
4- Brief History of discovered the anticoagulant (please create suitable figure for the history of anti coagulant).
5- Clotting pathway (cascade) as diagram and include each anticoagulant where it works in this pathway.
6- Brief Pharmacology of each anticoagulant drugs related to the previous diagram.
7- Risk of using anticoagulant (especially bleeding, drug – drug interaction and drug-food interaction) including number of death in the word and especially in the UK.

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