Posted: December 9th, 2014

Any one of the listed topics: Language change and innovation (slang) *Comparative linguistics *Language and literature *Language and education *Language disabilities/impediments to fluency *Language acquisition *ESL *Language and politics (campai

Any one of the listed topics: Language change and innovation (slang) *Comparative linguistics *Language and literature *Language and education *Language

disabilities/impediments to fluency *Language acquisition *ESL *Language and politics (campai

* MLA Style Sheet

* MLA Parenthetical Citations and Work Cited Entries

*Achieving Conciseness in Your Writing

*Evaluating Secondary Sources

*Using Outside Sources Correctly

*Composing a Strong Thesis (for argument papers)

*Diana Hacker’s MLA Updates

*Help with Composition

*Transition Words/Phrases


*The paper should be at least 8 pages in length, but no more than 10 pages (NOT counting Works Cited page).

*The paper should have a clear thesis statement. Do NOT use language like “In this paper I will . . .” That language is appropriate for an abstract, but not for an

MLA-style paper.

*The paper should use signal phrases with all outside sources, whether they are direct quotes, paraphrases, or summaries. Refer to Jewell’s booklet on plagiarism if

you’ve forgotten what a signal phrase is.

*Use more direct quotes than paraphrases or summaries. I’ve seen papers that don’t bother to insert even one quote. That is unacceptable. Use at least 2-3 quotes per

body paragraph. And it bears repeating: use signal phrases and parenthetical citations.

*The paper should make use of conciseness and parallel construction. It should be cohesive and coherent.

*Write your papers using the MLA format: both style sheet and documentation. In addition to the information on MLA style and documentation that I have provided on

Moodle, you should consult as needed a scholarly website that features this information or an up-to-date handbook in the University Writing Center (BH 114). Failure to

follow instructions about paper format, citation, and documentation will cost you AT LEAST ONE LETTER GRADE. It COULD result in your going before the Student Conduct

Board if the violation is egregious enough.

*You will need three to five outside sources for this assignment. Yes, I said three to five: no more, no less. Yes, I will penalize you if you overload your paper with

sources. These sources MUST be scholarly in nature.

You may use ONE essay from your textbook; you may not, however, use an essay that is assigned reading. Consult your syllabus for a list of those essays that I have

assigned (thus you may NOT use).

Try for a variety of sources, including books, journal articles, and scholarly web sites.

Make certain your sources are no more than five years old.

Let me be perfectly clear about some sources you might be tempted to use but MUST not: Wikipedia, dictionaries, encyclopedias, enotes, sparknotes, cliffsnotes, student

papers, student websites, personal websites, etc. Whatever you do, resist the temptation to use these kinds of sources. USING OUTSIDE SOURCES THAT ARE NOT SCHOLARLY


*Attach a typed works cited page for any and all of your outside sources. Your works cited page should list all pertinent information in MLA format. It should be

numbered sequentially, as part of the term paper. Do NOT use your word processor’s citation/bibliography generator. You will lose points because those things don’t

work properly.


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