Posted: September 18th, 2017

Application of the Normative Ethical Theories

1. Choose ONE of the cases that appear in Units 1 & 2 of the Philosophy 333 Study Guide except Case 2. 1. However, please refer to the discussion regarding Case 2.1 in Unit 2, under the heading �Applying Normative Theories to a Moral Situation�, as an example of how to apply moral theories to a case.
2. Clearly state a professional ethics issue that pertains to the case. It is recommended that you state your issue in question form.
3. Choose TWO out of the five moral theories studied in Unit 2, but only one version of Utilitarian theory at most (e.g. not both Act and Rule Utilitarianism).
4. In essay-form, and in one document, apply each of the two theories to the case, focusing on your stated issue, by doing the following:
a. For each theory, provide an explanation of the theories basic approach to moral evaluation and decision-making.
b. Ethically analyze your stated issue using each of the two theories. The idea here is to adopt the strategy of each of the theories to present what you think is a reasonable and balanced ethical analysis of your issue. In doing so, your aims are (i) to show that you understand how the theories work and (ii) to show that you can use them to express the ethical reasoning that should be brought to bear on the issue.
c. For each theory, if you think that it would prescribe a certain resolution or answer to your issue, state that resolution. If you think that the theory would not prescribe a resolution per se but, nevertheless, would offer some insights into how the case and issue should be dealt with, explain the insights it would offer.

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