Posted: September 13th, 2017

Application Plan and Evaluation

MNGT 505: Week 2: Application Plan and Evaluation

Order Description

In the “Skill Applicationsection near the end of Chapter 1, follow the instructions under “Application Plan and Evaluation.” Do that exercise during the week.

Why Chapter 1? So that you have time to begin planning this during Week 1, executing it during the early part of Week 2 (if not the latter part of Week 1), and have time to reflect about it and write up a summary of what you planned and did and an evaluation of how it went.

The idea of this exercise is to give you a format for self-improvement that you can continue to apply after the course in any area in which you want to improve.

You will be graded on the seriousness with which you take this exercise and the reflection afterward. The idea of the reflection is to note briefly what you planned and did, and then describe what you learned about yourself, others, management, and/or your workplace while doing the exercise.

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