Posted: September 18th, 2017

Approaches to Religion

•Discuss norms and values encouraged and discouraged by the U.S. educational system
•Explain religion and the core values in the United States and its reflection on society and the educational system

Assignment Overview

This reaction and response assignment explores the current trends in education and approaches to religion and asks you to examine the relationship between religion and education.


A one-to-two page (250-500 word) paper
Step 1 Watch the following video.
Approaches to Religion
Step 2Write an essay fully answering following questions in 250-500 words. •What is the relationship between education and religion in the United States? What do sociologists think of this relationship?
•Do you think the current trends in education support how sociologists approach the relationship between religion and education?
•What are some of the reasons for different approaches to religion (if any) propagated by education?

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