Posted: September 16th, 2017

Appropriation on artwork after 1800s

Appropriation on artwork after 1800s

Order Description

The objective of this assignment is to construct and complete a research paper on a
specific work of art or design of your choosing that relates to the overarching theme of
APPROPRIATION. You are to select an object in response to one of the three questions
below, each of which highlights a particular facet of how appropriative practices have
played a role in art and design since 1800. You are to analyze and contextualize your
chosen object through research. The finished paper will provide a rich, thoughtful
discussion of your object.
APPROPRIATION: “the act of borrowing, stealing, or taking over other’s meanings
to one’s own ends.”
Question 1
How do artists and designers use the practice of borrowing or quoting from other
Question 2
How does the act of appropriation destroy or alter meaning?
Question 3
How does ‘re-appropriation’ function as a form of resistance?
Question 4
How does appropriation establish continuity between art movements despite the
artist’s desire to innovate?
1.Choose an object in relation to one of the above questions.
Your chosen work must fit the chronological scope of the course (that is, you must
select an art or design object from 1800 CE to the present). You must see it in person
at a Toronto cultural institution (eg. ROM, AGO, Power Plant, Gardiner Museum,
Textile Museum, MOCCA). You may also consider a building or public artwork. The
object must be located in the city of Toronto and on display. You must provide some
proof of recent viewing (an admission ticket, a “selfie” taken in front of the gallery, etc.)
2.Research the historical/critical context of your chosen work of art or design.
You must use a minimum of three academic sources (i.e. academic journal articles,
books, or exhibition catalogues). You may consult your textbook, but for the
purpose of this essay, it will not count as one of your academic sources). Academic 2
research databases such as JSTOR may be used freely, as well as the Grove
Dictionary of Art Online. No other websites are allowed. You may only use the
gallery website to verify the artist, title, medium, dimensions, date and place of
production of these objects, and to find an image of the object to include with your
3. Write a research essay that responds to this question by situating your chosen
work within its historical and/or cultural context.
1) Your essay must be 5-6 pages (c. 1250-1500 words). It should be double-spaced,
with 1” margins, using a 12-pt font in Times New Roman on 8 ½ x 11” pages. It
should be page numbered. Please include your TA’s name as well as your name
and student number. Papers that do not adhere to the above format will not be
accepted. You must staple your admission ticket to attach to your paper.
2) Include a clear and assertive thesis statement at the beginning of your essay.
3) Include a reproduction or rendering for your object, along with complete
information (artist, title, date, medium etc.). Please ask for permission before taking
a photograph of any object on display. Students are also free to print an image of
the object from the museum website, to submit a postcard of it from the museum gift
shop (or, with express permission of the shop owner, photograph the postcard in the
gift shop), or photocopy it from a museum guide or catalogue.
4) Include a bibliography of works cited AS WELL AS citations (either footnotes or
in-text parenthetical references) using either the Chicago Manual of Style or MLA.
5) The largest part of your mark will be calculated according to the content of your
essay, but the organization of your discussion and the style of your writing will also be


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