Posted: September 13th, 2017

Arab Stereotypes in Hollywood Movies.

Arab Stereotypes in Hollywood Movies.

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address the issue of stereotypes in Hollywood movies, specifically Arab stereotypes. I want to argue that Arab stereotypes have been present in Hollywood movies for a long time, and have made a great significance to the way the world views the Arab people. by analysing movies like the dictator, explain how westerners view gender and gender roles in the Arab world.
Also movies like american sniper and sex and the city 2 to explain how the west views the “other”, and how they think about women as oppressed and they need to be saved.
then using a list of movies to explain how through small scenes in many movies, Hollywood has managed to associate these false stereotypes to Arab people. Like them being Evil, money greedy, savages, speaking poor english and the women being exotic and so on..
The list includes Aladdin, Kazaam, Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery, The Looney. Looney, Looney Bugs Bunny Movie and many other Hollywood movies.

Please use these references as part of the number of references:
Orientalism by Edward W. Said.

Representation: Cultural Representation and Signifying Practices: The Chapter “The Spectacle of the Other” By Stuart Hall.

Reel Bad Arabs: How Hollywood Vilifies a People by Jack G. Shaheen, and The Documentary Reel Bad Arabs: How Hollywood Vilifies a People by Jack G. Shaheen.

“Evil” Arabs in American Popular Film by Tim Jon Semmerling

Also theories like Ideology, stereotypes and race are important.

Arabs and Muslims in the Media: race and representation after 9/11 by Evelyn AlSultany

Covering Islam by Edward W. Said

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