Posted: February 4th, 2015

Arabic to English Statistical Machine Translation for Big Data sets using Hadoop and Compression-based Language Models

Paper, Order, or Assignment Requirements


Write a proposal about “Arabic to English Statistical Machine Translation for Big Data sets using Hadoop and Compression-based Language Models

The idea of the proposal is to extend the work for big data sets of PhD students, Saad Alkahtani on Arabic-English alignment for Statistical Machine Translation (SMT). You can find more info about this data set on this Paper (A New Parallel Corpus of Arabic-English – Saad Alkahtani )
I will use “MapReduce programming model” and Compression-based Language Models on the big data sets I have to create Arabic to English Statistical Machine Translation model or perhaps a program.
A case study on MapReduce used on a data set with word alignment is here: ( 6.4 CASE STUDY: WORD ALIGNMENT FOR STATISTICAL MACHINE TRANSLATION Page 138)
I will use Hadoop which is a software framework that applies MapReduce programming model.
The Major first part of this idea is found on this paper (Experiments with a PPM Compression-based Method for English-Chinese Bilingual Sentence Alignment – Wei Liu, Zhipeng Chang, and William J. Teahan ).

Please use the following sources:
A Compression-based Algorithm for Chinese Word Segmentation.pdf
A New Parallel Corpus of Arabic-English.pdf
Experiments with a PPM Compression-based A Method for English-Chinese Bilingual Sentence Alignment
Modelling Chinese for Text Compression – confrnace.pdf
Universal Text Preprocessing for Data Compression.pdf
Using compression based language models for text categorization.pdf
Data-Intensive Text Processing with MapReduce Page: 138 – Download the book from here

You can download all sources from this link


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