Posted: September 13th, 2017

Are Laptop Computers Musical Instruments?

Argue that laptop computers ARE musical instruments.

Clearly follow the structure of an Essay:

Introduction: orientation to topic, clear statement of position or argument, outline of main points.

Body: logical paragraph sequence, clear paragraph structure with main idea introduced in topic sentence, then explained and elaborated on in supporting sentences.

Conclusion: restatement of position or argument, reiteration of findings and summary of main points, and final comment.

Include the following:

Definition of a musical instrument and how a laptop is able to fit into this definition. In other words, what processes/functions does a laptop have to possess in order for it to be accepted as a musical instrument?

Is the laptop itself the instrument or is the software the instrument? How is a laptop and its associated musical software analogous to a real, acoustic instrument (such as a piano or guitar)?

Laptops are able to play/reproduce musical pitches, but do they allow the user/musician control over nuances such as articulations, dynamics and expressive techniques? Provide examples.

Include the following sources:

Godlovitch, S. (1998). Musical performance: a philosophical study. London ; New York: Routledge.

Richardson, I., & Harper, C. (2001). Corporeal Virtuality: The Impossibility of a Fleshless Ontology. Body, Space and Technology Journal, 2(2).

Paine, G. (2008). Gesture and Morphology in Laptop Music Performance. In R. T. Dean (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Computer Music and Digital Sound Culture. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

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