Posted: September 16th, 2017

argumentative/persuasive essay

argumentative/persuasive essay

An argument/persuasive essay is just that- an essay in which you will argue your particular stance on an issue, and try to persuade your reader to, if not agree, at least consider your view(s). Remember to establish facts, clarify value, and above all, be confident in your position and in your writing.
This essay marks a small shift in our course focus, as here you will really get to make your own views shine (but remember to avoid I statement). For this essay, you will be looking at relevant social, economic, and/or political concerns that are currently being discussed and debated.

-Religion in public spheres
-Standardized testing
-Surveillance cameras
-Justifying the assassination of a dictator
-Age of consent
-censorship (including SOPA-stop online privacy act)
– Disability rights
-Zoos- ethical or not?
-do we have a democracy?
-Purity balls
-Class warfare
Make a claim about one of the above (of your own related topic/event), justify it, and persuade your reader about your point of view.

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