Posted: September 16th, 2017


[1] Go to Wikipedia and look up Aristotle. Read some background on this most amazing of intellectual cats and dig on his bio just a bit. But remember: his ideas are more important–by far–than the details of his life which mostly fall into the “who cares?” category.

[2] After getting a sense of who he is [or was] click onto the link for the “Politics” article [Section 2.8.2] which can be found in the Table of Contents section. Then….

[3] Read the brief article here on “Aristotle’s Politics” in preparation for the reading more about da’ Man himself. Then…..

[4] Click on the link for the article on “Aristotle’s Politics” [it’s the Main Article] and read for the following points and definitions for your essay: then…..

[5] Write an essay of 5 paragraphs in which you do the following:

INTRO PARAGRAPH: Tell me something about Aristotle and what he achieved [Hint: NO biographical details need apply]
BODY PARAGRAPH #1: What are some of the main points and/or ideas you found in the article on his politics?
BODY PARAGRAPH #2: Define the concept of the polis. What was Aristotle’s idea of this?
BODY PARAGRAPH #3: Define, briefly, the idea of “social contract” and what it means to you in practical, every day terms. [You may use some personal experience here.]
BODY PARAGRAPH #4: Define what is meant by the “state of nature” as it applies to things political. [You may be brief here also; I DO NOT expect comprehensive coverage or great depth because these concepts are profound and difficult, but I am putting down some groundwork for later in the course.]
CONCLUSION: Sum things up. What does all this say to you? Do these concepts have a place in our contemporary life? What practical applications of political change do you see as necessary in the America of today? NOTE: Any or all of these questions MAY be addressed, but they are more suggestions than requirement

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