Posted: September 13th, 2017

Art (Fine arts, Performing arts)

SOURCES: I need more academic sources on my topic. What are the books I will use to
support my point? I advise to not use blogs as material since they are not
academic sources. Also, remember to use italics with the book – and journal
titles. I recommend you to refrain from using blogs or magazines as your
sources. They are not academic. Thus make sure that most of your sources are
academic (from JSTOR, Bobcat, ProQuest or Google Scholar).
CUSTOMIZE CONTENT: 1) What is it that I want to argue about the use of 3D Printers?
-­‐ Am I arguing what I’m now concluding, namely, I argue that the 3D printer is
revolutionary because “it is a new way of coming up with products”? If that is my
argument, what do I mean with “a new way of coming up with products”? Your
conclusion can be your argument. Just make it specified, begin with the argument
and then use the rest of the paper to convince the reader that they should agree
with you o n this by backing up your view with support from academic literature.
2) How are these novel design objects related to our topic of design and visual
culture? Could I connect the design even more tightly to its social role, for
3) What would it mean to have a printer that could be used for “bioprinting of
human organs for medical drives”?. What does that mean?
4) Or what would it mean to convert the printer into a ‘’remote[ly] controlled
solar powered engine” (p.4)?
5) How could I integrate the articles from our Design Studies Reader?
6) What other people have written about this topic – from a design perspective?
If this has not been done, how could I make a compelling case for myself?
7) What is my primary source (a document from the period of when credit cards
were created).
8) What will my reader learn from reading my paper? How could I write to
convince my reader and use the literature to backup my point?

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