Posted: September 16th, 2017

Art History, Romanesque period of art or Gothic period of art

Art History, Romanesque period of art or Gothic period of art

You will be required to write a 5 page (double spaced) research paper about a topic you find interesting, as long as it relates to material covered in this class. The paper must be properly footnoted, and submitted with a bibliography which states a minimum of 4 sources and is written according to a college level writing manual. I will NOT accept any papers WITHOUT properly cited sources. Be sure to consult the underlined “research paper” link for more information about how to write the paper.

Since this is an online class the Internet can be used, however make sure you use reliable sources such as .org or .edu and scrutinize all other sources carefully. I would like to encourage you to also use books, articles, etc., which you might find as abstracts on line. Please provide me with the exact URL of the page from which you have taken your information.

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