Posted: September 13th, 2017

Article on insect

STEP 1: Find a news article
A) Find a news story by googling or scanning specific news web sites. Search by the common name of an insect, spider or mite.
B) Make sure you have found a news source and that the news article is recent – October-December 2014 or 2015.
C) Is the article about an insect, spider or mite (a good article) or is it about technology or something else (a bad article)?
D) See of you can answer all the questions in the “Bugs”-in-the-News Essay Rubric. If not, find another article. The news article
will need to be longer than one or two paragraphs.
• We will make sure the article will work for you AND that it is on an insect, spider or mite. You will be provided feedback so you
will proceed to Step 2 with a good article.
• If your article is unacceptable, RESPOND TO YOUR TA’s REQUEST FOR A NEW ARTICLE PROMPTLY, so you can move
forward on your assignment.
Submit the full citation of your news source to the Drop Box called Part 1: Article approval in Angel. If you are not using an
electronic source, submit a copy of your news item along with the full citation. A full citation includes: author (use Anonymous as
the author if no author is listed), title, date of the story, source (e.g., New York Times) and the URL (assuming your source is
electronic — we must be able to use the URL to find your article).
Examples of acceptable enews sources:
• News Magazines: National Geographic (it is called Daily News on their webpage), Science News, Scientific American,
Newsweek, Time, US News and World Report, Nation, Mother Jones, New Yorker, New Scientist
• Web sites: MSNBC, NPR, BBC News, and on-line newspapers, news magazine, etc.
• Newspapers: New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Boston Globe, USA Today, Chicago Tribune, Washington Post, Centre
Daily Times
Examples of sources that are NOT acceptable as a news story: Any peer-reviewed journal article (e.g., Journal of Economic
Entomology), Animal Planet, National Geographic TV, University Extension Web sites, NOVA, documentaries, pesticide company
advertisements, or blogs.
The news story you choose can be anything from tabloid (Grasshoppers Eat Chicago!) to press coverage of an important scientific
discovery (Gene for drooling mapped to 3rd roach chromosome), but they must be current and real (according to their authors).
Current means published October-December 2014 or 2015.
How to list references in Works Cited list:
• Journal article example: Doe, J. and J. Smith. 2014. How insects rule the world. Journal of Chemical Ecology 24: 146-152.
• Online source example: Hoover, G. 2014. Bagworm fact sheet. Penn State University Extension, Accessed 1/4/14.

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