Posted: September 16th, 2017

articles by Barbara Metcalf which discussed various assumptions that frame the way in which Muslims are studied in South Asia. In your essay discuss them and apply them to EITHER the Mughal dynasty OR the Decan Nizamate.

articles by Barbara Metcalf which discussed various assumptions that frame the way in which Muslims are studied in South Asia. In your essay discuss them and apply them to EITHER the Mughal dynasty OR the Decan Nizamate.

Topic: 1.In week 3, we looked at 2 articles by Barbara Metcalf which discussed various assumptions that frame the way in which Muslims are studied in South Asia. In your essay discuss them and apply them to EITHER the Mughal dynasty OR the Decan Nizamate.

Order Description

1. At least THREE distinct citations to the course readings are expected.
(At least, 1 citation for each reading)
2. This is how it should appear in your essay: (last name, date, page #)
3. footnotes and direct quotations, no paraphrasing
4. in Microsoft doc
5. No outside materials
6. Around 50 pages of readings
7. No later than 19/8, 11am (Vancouver Time)

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