Posted: December 2nd, 2013

Arum and Roksa’s book

As you learned in the last module, “entering the conversation” entails demonstrating a knowledge of what “they say” (the past research or literature on the topic) before offering your own opinion. Having synthesized the past research, now it’s time to advance an argument about Academically Adrift and the reported lack of learning on college campuses.
Craft an original, fair, well-reasoned and complex argument in response to the scholarly conversation surrounding Academically Adrift. In addition to citing Arum and Roksa’s book, your essay should reference at least two of the scholarly texts below. Since this is a paper in the Humanities, it should be formatted in MLA style.
Unlike the literature review, which provides an overview of the past research, your argument should focus on bringing something new, fresh or interesting to the academic conversation. Think about the issues that are important to the scholars we’ve read, questions they have debated, or viewpoints they may have overlooked. With whom do you agree or disagree? Do you have mixed feelings about a claim that has been advanced?
Nevertheless, it would be wise to look over your literature review, and use that document to build an argument for this project. You might also want to review your personal essay and revisit some of the claims you advanced in there.
As you craft your argument, keep in mind what reasons and evidence support your position. Also make space to acknowledge and respond to competing claims and evidence that may weaken your position. Of course, developing a clear and cohesive central claim of your own will be vital.
Astin, “In Academically Adrift, Data Don’t Back Up Sweeping Claim”
Attewell, “Riddle Remains in Academically Adrift”
Pascarella, “How Robust are the Findings of Academically Adrift?”
Weissberg, “Is American Higher Education All That Bad?”
Wood, “The Higher Education Bubble

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