Posted: September 13th, 2017

As a senior partner in a marketing consultancy,short business report

As a senior partner in a marketing consultancy,short business report advising this client.

Individual written assignment on the following situation analysis:
‘As a senior partner in a marketing consultancy, you have met with a client who has expressed concern over their current lack of insights into their marketing environments.
It has now been agreed that you will prepare a short business report advising this client on the following:
• Advice on why these insights into their marketing environments are necessary.
• Analysing the key areas that need to be investigated in order to assess the organisation’s strengths and weaknesses.
• Discussing how they can best design and implement a programme to scan their external environment.
• Recommendations on the marketing models that they should employ in designing and implementing their future marketing strategies, utilising the above insights gained into the organisation’s marketing environments.’
Your report should be based on an organisation of your choice.
Indicative Assessment Requirements for the Module;-
assignment and supporting documentation


Maximum Word Limit and Assessment weighting for each aspect within the assessment:

• Your maximum number of words for this assignment must be no more than 2,000 words (not including relevant appendices).

• Assessment Weighting – 100% of the assessment in the module
Description of Assessment Requirements
The written assignment must not exceed the word limit (as noted above)
Appendices must be used as supporting documentation, and as such be referred to in the main body of the text
Appendices must not be used simply as additional material
Marks will be allocated in line with the following guidelines:

• Providing the client with advice why these insights into their marketing environments are necessary as key parts of planning and implementing their marketing strategies.
(15 marks)
• Analysis of the key areas that this client should audit in their internal marketing environment.
(25 marks)
• A discussion of the key aspects that should be considered in designing and implementing an external environmental scanning programme for this client.
(25 marks)
• Recommendations to the client on the employment of strategic marketing models, that utilise these marketing audit insights, in designing and implementing their future marketing strategies.
(25 marks)
• Using Harvard referencing and report layout
(10 marks)

Assessment Criteria

In addition to the criteria outlined in the assessment details above, the assignment will be assessed on:
• Demonstrating that you have undertaken sufficient research on the topic.
• Demonstration of a reasonable understanding of the theoretical background to the topic.
• Demonstration of reasonable knowledge of the practical application of such theory.
• A clear structure and clarity of presented arguments.
• Good presentation and grammatical accuracy.

Module Learning Outcomes to be Assessed:-
(Module Learning Outcomes are required to be those indicated in the Module Descriptor contained in the validated programme

Identify and discuss contemporary marketing strategies ——– and through case study example discuss their success, failure, future contributions to the fields and activities of contemporary and future marketing activities

Critically discuss and determine an understanding of the strategic marketing planning process

Undertake and evaluate situational analysis related to the design of market – driven strategies and their translation into marketing programmes

Define key marketing activities and discuss findings in terms of limitations, contributions and worth ;including contributions to informed marketing decisions

Assess and determine the critical issues to be confronted in implementing and managing market- driven strategies



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