Posted: September 16th, 2017

Assess one specific activity to be performed within the process change. From the assessment, identify the task being evaluated.

You will be adding the information in this Assignment to the Assignment Template you used in Units 1
and 2 (please do not submit this as an individual document but as a continuation of your change
document). Remember, you should not attempt to address the questions asked without first
completing the required reading (you may find you need to do additional research using the Kaplan
Library or the Internet).
In this Assignment you will be evaluating implementation and continuous improvement methodologies
as they relate to the Business Process Change you identified and evaluated in Units 1 and 2. Your
response to these questions should be 3 – 5 pages in length.
Please click on the Project button below to view your assignment details.
Hint: For details on using drop boxes in this course, click on the Academic Tools tab above, then
Dropbox Guide.
Individual Project Details
Below are the details of the tasks that you have to do for this unit:
7. Assess one specific activity to be performed within the process change. From the assessment,
identify the task being evaluated. Where would that activity be performed within the organization?
Who would perform the task, and who would manage, measure and evaluate task completion? Make
sure you separate out the information requested (don’t place the information in a large block
8. Delineate and describe the differences between measuring human performance and task
9. Explore Six Sigma as a method used to evaluate, measure, and encourage continuous
improvement. From this exploration create a fishbone diagram that addresses one risk, a potential
defect, or a problem that may result from the change which may impact goal attainment.
10. Address the value of your fishbone diagram as a visual representation.

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