Posted: September 16th, 2017

Assess the significance of the Great Depression on German History 1923- 1939

Germany 20th Century Depth Study Key question: ‘Assess the significance of the Great Depression on German History 1923- 1939’

Candidates have to decide their own criteria for assessing significance (affecting Hitler’s rise to power could be one)

Word limit: 2000 words, worth 27 % of IGCSE grade

The assessment objectives in this coursework are:

AO1: an ability to recall, select, organise and deploy knowledge of the syllabus content (15 marks)
AO2: an ability to construct historical explanations using an understanding of:
• cause and consequence, change and continuity, similarity and difference
• the motives, emotions, intentions and beliefs of people in the past
Hight school Level
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