Posted: September 16th, 2017

Assessing Communications

Assessing Communications

Select a publicly traded company and investigate how it reports financial information. Describe how it incorporates the key accounting concepts in its external communications to distinguish between subjectivity and objectivity. Examples of documents that you should review are the organization’s annual reports and 10-Ks.

Dummett, J. (2008). Ethics in a global environment. Intheblack, 78(5), 52-53.
Retrieved from ABI/INFORM Global database
This article considers the increasing importance of ethics and how they are interpreted and used in the expanding global business environment.
Kranacher, M. (2009). Accounting and regulation and ethics, oh my! The CPA Journal, 79(11), 80.
Retrieved from ABI/INFORM Global database
In this article, the author discusses how the continual changes in the accounting industry lead to increased regulations and an increased awareness of ethics.
Pacini, C., Hillison, W., Fennema, M., & Placid, R. (2004). Attorney-Client privilege: CPAs and the e-frontier. Journal of Accountancy,
197(4), 64-71.
Retrieved from ABI/INFORM Global database
The authors of this article discuss how enhanced technology has changed the business environment and now requires a greater level of discretion and security when working with sensitive client information.

Su, S., Kan, C., & Yang, H. (2010). Cross-cultural difference and accounting ethics: An empirical study for accounting students. International Journal of Organizational Innovation (Online), 2(3), 161-185.
Retrieved from ABI/INFORM Global database
This article offers insights into how ethics are defined, interpreted, and used in varying cultures.

Statement of Financial Accounting Concepts. Retrieved from
This website lists and explains the essential accounting concepts that every professional accountant should know and understand.

Optional Resources
Money Instructor: Fundamental Concepts of Accounting. Retrieved from

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