Posted: September 16th, 2017

Assessment 2: Report (30%)

Assessment 2: Report (30%)
Congratulations! You have just been offered a position within a sports organisation as their new media officer. This is a new post that the organisation has created and you have been thrown in at the deep end. The organisation also wishes to hold a press conference and have asked you to make arrangements for this.
To run a successful press conference there are a number of areas that you will be required to address:
?    Firstly you will need to develop a media policy for your organisation – the press are likely to contact members of your organisation in the build up to the event looking for a “scoop”. You should issue a brief (one side of A4 maximum) media policy for everyone within your organisation which details how and when they are to speak with the media and provides details on how they should handle interviews or speak to members of the press. This section is vital in establishing an organisational culture for your organisation when it comes to dealing with members of the press. You should ensure that you provide details on periods when members of your organisation will be expected to speak to the press.
?    You also need to develop a media alert to promote the press conference and then decide which individuals to invite to your press conference and how to issue them with media credentials – your organisation has never run a press conference before and so you may need to develop an application form for Media Credentials. When the press conference is held you can issue your Press Release, which should follow guidelines for length as detailed in lecture content.
?    Finally you are required to provide members of the press with a Media Kit to support your press conference. This may include sections such as schedule for the event; biographies of those involved; quotes or transcripts of statements; and guidelines for members of the press on the day of the event. This section of the document should provide members of the press with a sound understanding of your organisation along with vital practical information about the venue where the press conference will be taking place.

? Note: While it is likely that you may base some of your documents on templates or existing documents it is important that you acknowledge these through your referencing. You should make it clear when you have based your inclusions on external sources, including when you have utilised the formatting of existing documents. More specific details of the requirements for these documents will be delivered during teaching sessions.

? Due: The case study is due in before the lecture in Week 12. It is equivalent to 2,500 words in length but you should follow guidelines on page limits as set above or recommended.

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