Posted: April 26th, 2015

Assessment of Nutritional Status

Assessment of Nutritional Status

obtain a record of your food and beverage intake, including water, over 3 consecutive days (i.e. Sunday, Monday and Tuesday) using the weighed food record method. Using the computer-based nutritional analysis package FoodWorks™ analyse the selected nutrient and energy content of your 3-day food record. In foodwork 7, please choose the AUSNUT2007 or NUTTAB 2010 for the database. After you finish and analyse all the data in the instruction document. You can start working on the template.

For the template:

1.You got to write an introduction that summarises all the tasks involved (approximately 250-300 words) and stated as an aim.

2. Finishing the table 1-6. For table 6, I have put my weight and height please use it.

3. Discussion -Several paragraphs that use ALL the questions asked in your assessment task as the basis for discussing the results (approximately 800-1000 words). Please look at the page 19, use those 12 questions for the discussion. Use 3rd person to discuss the result.

All the instruction are in the document. Finish the template by step by step please. Please use the Foodworks 7 software to analyse all the data. In foodwork 7, please choose the AUSNUT2007 or NUTTAB 2010 for the database. At the end of report (Appendices) must including
3- Day Food Record
3-Day Activity Diary
FoodWorks® ‘Foods’
FoodWorks® ‘Analysis Summary’
FoodWorks® ‘Estimated Average Requirement’ chart and table
FoodWorks® ‘ Recommended Dietary Intake’ chart and table
FoodWorks® ‘Adequate Intake’ chart and table
FoodWorks® ‘Upper Level of Intake’ chart and table
FoodWorks® ‘Ratio of Energy’ chart
FoodWorks® ‘Ratio of Poly, Mono and Saturated Fats’ chart

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