Posted: April 13th, 2015

Assessments 6

Assessments 6

Order Description

Throughout this course, you have been asked to complete two self-assessments each week. Now is the time to critically look at the results of these assessments in regards to where you see yourself in the future. What did you learn about yourself? What would you like to change? What you are aware of but would not change?
Action Items
1. Write a 2-page business brief to yourself that addresses the following items. Include the results of your 10 assessments as appendices to your business brief.
a. What did you discover about yourself from the assessment results? This could be something you already knew and the assessments confirmed or something new about yourself.
b. Where do you see yourself at the end of the program? at the end of 5 years?
i. From the assessments, what are your leadership strengths that you want to continue to enhance? Provide steps to continue building on your strengths.
ii. From the assessments, what are the leadership areas you want to improve? Why are these areas important to future career plans? Provide steps on how to improve these areas.

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