Posted: September 13th, 2017



QUESTION 1: There are a number of actions that EasyJet have taken, or could take, for growth at corporate level. Using the Ansoff Matrix, and making reference to examples, evaluate the alternative actions that EasyJet have explored, or could explore, to pursue growth?

# Answer:
– Corporate level strategy (Definition & brief discussion)
– Ansoff Matrix ( Definition – examples)
– 1) Market Penetration ( Definition – apply to EasyJet).
– 2) Market Development ( Definition – apply to EasyJet).
– 3) Product Development ( Definition – apply to EasyJet).
– 4) Diversification ( Definition – apply to EasyJet).
– Conclusion.

# QUESTION 2: Analyse the extent to which EasyJet uses techniques such as Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to satisfy stakeholders’ expectations?

# Answer:
– Definition of (CSR).
– Definition of stakeholders.
– Link between stakeholders and (CSR).
– Examples of stakeholders in EasyJet.
– Key drivers of (CSR).
– Impact on organisations.
– apply to EasyJet. ( what they have done? – 3 things they have done but in details)
– Conclusion.

# QUESTION 3: For an organisation in the airline industry, examine the key Macro environmental factors, Using the PEST framework, that are impacting on the business. How has the organisation responded to these factors?

# Answer:
– Define Macro Environment.
– Discussion on how the macro environment is analysed.
– PEST analysis for EasyJet:
– 1) Political : (factor 1 discuss and apply to EasyJet) (factor 2 discuss and apply to EasyJet).
– 2) Economical: (factor 1 discuss and apply to EasyJet) (factor 2 discuss and apply to EasyJet).
– 3) Social : (factor 1 discuss and apply to EasyJet) (factor 2 discuss and apply to EasyJet).
– 4) Technological: (factor 1 discuss and apply to EasyJet) (factor 2 discuss and apply to EasyJet).

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