Posted: September 13th, 2017

Assignment 1

Assignment 1

Order Description

choose 5 seminar tasks out of 8 from seminar task document which i uploaded , answer of no more than 500 words for each of the task question . A minimum number of 5 (FIVE) of these tasks need to be completed to submit a portfolio of 2,500 words.
– The word limit for is 2500 (+/- 10%) words.
– All work should be word processed using either Times New Roman or Arial font, Arial 12 point; 1.5 line spacing; single side A4 paper with numbered pages with line spacing of 1½ and justified.
– Left hand margin of 3cm; Right hand margin 2 cm; Header 2.5 cm and Footer 2 cm
– A bibliography and referencing (where applicable) is essential
– Harvard system of referencing
– A minimum of 10 referenced academic sources is required.
– No more than 50% of references may be from the internet.

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