Posted: December 27th, 2016

Assume you are the Senior VP of Marketing at Nike. You have a famous NBA star under contract to market Nike products.

Assume you are the Senior VP of Marketing at Nike. You have a famous NBA star under contract to market Nike products. In fact, you just “scooped” him away from your rival, Adidas, and are feeling quite good about yourself. Nike’s brand image, as well as your reputation and career prospects at Nike, are tied up with this player.

One fine morning, you wake and find out that the “face of your company” has been charged with raping a young woman. Repeated attempts to get in touch with him or his agent is unsuccessful.

You are faced with a multitude of questions which need answering right away. What pieces of information do you need? Who are the relevant stakeholders you should consult? What are your options? Do you terminate, wait “until proven guilty,” stop all advertising with the player’s image while the case drags on? And on and on and on.

How would you go about evaluating the situation deciding a course of action?

2. How do you go about identifying and dealing with resistance at your work(childcare) place or at your home? How would you apply the Six Layer model?

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