Posted: December 23rd, 2014

Ault workshop Project Delivery Mode: ?Face-to-Face Learning?eLearning ?Blended Approach

Ault workshop

Project Delivery Mode:  ?Face-to-Face Learning?eLearning ?Blended Approach
Duration (in hours):6 hours
The title of the workshop is “efficient tools for teacher”. It is face-to-face workshop. The duration of the workshop is six hours, it breakdown to two sessions each one takes three hours.
. Project Focus Description:
•    Describe in clear terms the focus of your project.
Workshop focus on training teachers in R.A.K government’s school to use:
-“planbookedu” software as a planning tools for lesson plan.
-“inspiration” software as a concept mapping tool.
•    Explain why you are interested in this focus area for your professional development project

Integrating technology in education is necessary and it is shifting education to a new phase. It is consider a revolution in human education .Teachers in this period of time should get advantages from characteristics of technology, In order to enhance their teaching quality. I choose two important areas to cover during workshop. The two main sections are planning and organizing tools. The importance of the planning and organizing is that by knowing these tools teacher will save time and effort. Additionally, it will enhance education quality. The natural of the teachers ‘job is stressful .Multitasks are required in the same time. They have to do too many things .Hence, this workshop will be useful and matching their needs. The workshop will give them necessary tools to facilitate and upgrade teaching quality.
Furthermore, Ministry of Education empshize  on integrating technology in education criteria.  . Through lesson plan tool teachers can exchange the lesson by email with students and other teachers. No need for copying lesson plan or waiting to meet up personally to distribute it. It will save time and money. All of the previous points align with Ministry of Education policy toward new generation of education.

2.1. AndragogicalLearner Analysis
•    Describe the characteristics of the target learners / trainees based on the following categories:
1.    General Characteristics (Social & Cultural Backgrounds)

The audiences in the workshop are group of teachers who are working in ” Al Ghad” government schools in R.A.K zone.”Al Ghad Schools” are selected schools from Ministry of education to apply new curriculum program. All subjects in “Al Ghad schools “are taught in English. The particpmants in the workshop are teachers teaching in different levels from primary to secondary schools. All of them are female teachers and they are from United Arab Emirates. They shared same religion and language. Also, they shared same culture with minor differences between teachers who lives inside country and outside country.
Specific Entry / Prior Knowledge Characteristics.
The Ministry of Education will aannounce about the date and place of “Efficient Tools for Teachers” workshop between schools. Subsequently, fifteen teachers will be chosen from teachers who signed to attend the workshop. Hence, the participants have to be: teachers, female, working in government school, and they approved to attend the workshop. Also, the maximum number of participants will be fifteen teachers. All of the participants have bachelor degree and they have experience in teaching field. Participants are still working as a teacher in schools.

1.    Cognitive Characteristics & Learning Styles
Cognitive styles are approaches preferred by people for organizing and presenting information (Riding and Rayner 1998).Cognitive style represent the participants personality aspects ,which impact on  collecting, analyzing and evaluating information. In this workshop I will use Cognitive Styles Analysis-Wholistic-Analytic test (CSA-AW). It reliable advanced version of Cognitive style Analysis (CSA) . CSA-AW test is  useful for my workshop because it detects of individual differences in tasks related to holistic and analytic stimuli.
?    Wholistic learner: They tent to see “big pictures” and get less attention to details. They learn best through: Interpersonal connection important to them , Stories and anecdotes ,Highly Think-pair-share; Praise-question-polish ,Teacher feedback; person-to-person communication interesting project and materials ,Functional games and activities .
?    Analytic learner: they get attention to details. They learn best through: Intrapersonal skills valued, Journals , Learning logs ,Sequentially organized material, timelines, diagrams ,Moving from “part” to the “whole”, Puzzles, logic games.

In addition, there are esearch about crystallized intelligence and fluid intelligence indeed that crystallized intelligence does not decline until old age and fluid intelligence may. (Knowles, Holton and Swanson, 2012).Hence, in workshop for adult learns may not respond as quickly to new materials.

Participants have different learning style .Learning style is more general than cognitive style, it includes learners preference .Learning –how-to –learn theorists believe that learners do not have to be limited to their natural strengths.
Through different learning activities learns will be to learn differently from ways they naturally prefer.

I will use Whole-part-Whole approaches.  In short, the test measures user preferences for wholistic versus analytic ways of structuring information.

1.    Personality Characteristics (Engagement & Incentives Styles).

Before develop the activities for the workshop. The participants will answer online survey to indicate their personality characteristics from following elements: anxiety, tolerance for unrealistic expectation, ambiguity tolerance and frustration tolerance.  Subsequently, the activities will build on information that survey provided.

•    What implications do the identified learners’ characteristics have on the instructional design task?

?    I will use learner- center- teaching approach. Learners will depend on constructivism theory through on applying concepts, solving problems that are relevant prior experience and doing authentic learning tasks.

?    All of the participants had same background; they are teachers. They already know about the teachers’ problem in planning and concept mapping. Therefore, will minimize the time in section .
?    I will use English language in the workshop because they are teacher from “al Ghad schools” so all of them know how to speak, write and read English.
?    I will apply Whole-Part –whole strategy in overall presentation of the workshop.  However, I will view the results of CSA-AW test .After that, I will present the workshop in more details and parts if the learners are analytic and less parts if they are Wholistic. It will effect also on the strategies and activities.
?    Consider the time of teaching new materials for adult learner. According to crystallized intelligence and fluid intelligence adult learners, especially older learners, will consume more time than younger learners to learn new materials.
?    The personality characteristic will be considered in designing the instructional: overall atmosphere and shifting form activity to onther.
?    According to learning style characteristic as I clarified previously researcher recommended to not stick in one learning style. It is better to include different activities   for different learning style even if the majority of the learner have same learning style. I will apply kolbs’ model for different learning style.

– kolbs model for learning style

. Needs Analysis
•    What is the need for instruction? Identify the nature of the performance problem or gap that your instructional project will help provide a solution for.

The workshop will provide information about two tools .Lesson plan tool and organizing tool; both of them are very curial tools in teachers’ life. Teachers need to altiayze these tools for several reasons . First,  lesson plan tool is needed for teachers because they spend hours in creating lesson for unstable curriculum. In addition, many teachers teaching different levels so they have to deal with different lesson plans. Second, organizing tool  is important for teachers. Teachers having busy scadule, therefore they need organizer tool to organize their work and make it easier to follow. For example, teacher must follow: teaching work in the classroom, activities outside classroom , activities for parents , and school work .All of them in the same time. Organizing tool  and lesson plan are important tools in teachers’ crowded life.
They are two causes for performance gap which are lack of motivation and lack of training.
The lesson plan tool will give solution for lack of training. The Ministry of Education demand teachers to create lessons biased on standers. Lesson plan tool give teachers the opportunity to develop lessons in professional way with less effort. Especially if had lack of training to create professional lesson plan. Each lesson will created by using lesson plan tool will be biased on specific standers which will help teachers to match job requirement .Accordingly it will save teachers’ time and effort.
Organizing tools well solve lack of motivation performance gap. With organizer tool teachers can schedule, view calendar and use time management tool .All pervious features are important for teachers to make the stress less. Through organizing teachers’ work in effective way the stress will reduce and they will be more satisfied. Consequently, teachers will be motivated to work harder in comfortable environment.

Both of lesson plan tool and organizing tool will help teachers to focus on important matter which is in this case is students. In my opinion as a teacher the participants will stick with these tools after the workshop.


•    Present a discrepancy needs analysis, addressing the following:
o    Where are we? (current status)
Participant :
Participants are teachers in government school. The teachers’ role is government school is more than teaching only. Indeed, teaching is one part of teacher job. Teacher roles are planning lesson plan, facilitator learning, evaluator through assessing students during the course, and other professional duties such as: interior design to make sure that students will learn in suitable environment , monitors during the breaks and before and after school day. In order to do multiple roles teacher must attend professional development workshops and conference. It will help them to be up dated with latest practice and strategies.
Teachers in government schools are provided with tools to facilitate their job. First, the classes, most of the teachers have their own classes the students are moving from class to class according to their schedule. So, the teachers have all of their own equipments and they can prepare for the next class easier. Second, technology access, MoE emphasize on integrating technology in the classroom. MoE provided most of the classes with computer, data show and wireless. It is crucial point to develop learning in governments’ school. Teachers can use it to improve the quality of teaching in classroom. Third, school provides room for training purpose. Teacher can reserve training room for workshop and lecture other teacher. In addition, experts from outside schools can come and present workshops for teachers.
Teacher assessment:
There are new methods for assessing teachers in government school. In the past, the supervisor of the subject observes teachers in the classroom. In the end of the classroom he meets with principle to discuss with teacher’s performance outside the classroom. After that, supervisor gives grades and feedback for teacher. Now a day, teacher must create professional portofoil and there is section for professional development. For example, teacher get bonus for creating effective workshop with collogues or attending credible workshop and other training program. Professional development for teachers became more official, teachers more motivated to involve in this area to get rewards and promoted in their career.

Teachers’ works align with vision and mission of Ministry of Education in United Arab Emirates (MoE). The vision if MoE is “Pioneering in Student preparation in K-12 education system for a productive life in a dynamic world to ensure sustainable development for the UAE society”. Beside, the mission of MoE is “Working together to promote the UAE K-12 educational system, investing in human capital to build a knowledge-based society while enriching citizenship values “(Ministry of Education, 2014).

o    Where do we want to go? (future status)
The workshop” Efficient Tools for Teachers”   and similar workshops about new tools for teachers created to improve education in schools, after this workshop:

Participant :

– Teachers will know what are new technology tools; it will impact positively on students .Teachers will be updated with new tools in order to integrate it in education. Instruction in the use of learning technologies, experienced teachers need professional development in modern research knowledge about the nature of learning and how learning technologies can be used to encourage and enhanced learning outcomes in students (Carr-Chellman & Dyer, 2000).Teachers will enhance students learning outcomes in spite of multiple roles and responsibilities of their work as a teacher.


-Technology equipments that MoE provided for teacher will be use in effective way. Some teachers using expensive technology equipment like data show and modern computers for minor use. For example: display pictures, and present power point slides. MeO provided tools to use it in effective way which will impact on students’ performance. This kind of workshop will give teacher knowledge and training to use technology effectively as MeO demanded for.

Teacher assessment:

Open the door for teachers to plan their professional development and to be more productive teachers. Through using technology tools, teachers will minimize the time they spend on some tasks. Also, it will give them the time to plan their professional development and will be more   productive. Teachers, researchers, and policymakers consistently indicate that the greatest challenge to implementing effective professional development is lack of time (Abdal-Haqq, 1992). Simultaneously with teaching , teachers will be able to focus in their professional development.

– Organization:

– By increasing students outcomes and focusing on professional development. Teachers will meet   MoE mission which is ” Pioneering in Student preparation in K-12 education system “ and MoE vision” Working together to promote the UAE K-12 educational system”. (Ministry of Education, 2014).

o    What is the best way to get there? (present an analysis of solutions/ alternatives)
(As much as possible, the needs assessment should incorporate the perceptions of the learners not just that of the organization/institution.)
Teacher should joining to workshops and training programs about new technology tools for teachers. Because technology tools are up dated  consistently. Also, teachers must experience the new technology tools and  assess the outcomes. Teachers can improve the way of practice new ideas to fill their needs.

-MeO must select equipment carefully. Not just fallow the latest trend in technology tools in education. The purpose of using technology is not technology itself, it is about using technology effectively that will serve teacher and students. In my opioion MeO have to make research about teacher and students needs in schools and import technology tools that will meet these needs. In addition, MeO should send experts in IT field to introduce the new equipment that  MeO provide for school.

Teacher assessment:

–    One criteria in teachers’ assessment is professional development. In this section they in depended on only workshops and conference. Teachers can improve their professional development by too many ways such as: joining to communities of practice, read recent research, viewing blogs, wikis and other educational websites. All of the previous tools can enhance teachers’ professional development. Andragogy indeed of the leaning adult by self-direction. Adults can do engage in self-directed learning (SDL) is now a forgone conclusion in adult learning research( Knowles, Holton and Swanson, 2012).
•    – Organization:
MoE set vision and mission for governments’ schools. MoE can create clear strategies for teacher in order to achieve the big picture of the vision and mission. Also, they can make directed connection between the ministry and teachers through technology. MoE can send hand out , ministry magazine , announcements to motivate teacher and clear things up  in order to achieve their  goals.

2.3. Goals & Purposes for Learning
•    Specify the learning goals (individual, institutional) based on your Needs Analysis stated above.
•    The purpose of this workshop is to support government school teachers with two technology tools : concept mapping and lesson planer software’s ,In order to enhance their teaching quality and meet MoE requirements.


2.4. Contextual / Situational Analysis
•    Indicate whether your learners’ community is co-located & distributed and how that impacts the design and delivery of your workshop.

Learners’ community contains of mix learners from different schools. They will meet face-to-face at training hall of one of governments’ school so, it considered as a co-located leaning community. Small number of learners is suitable for co-located learning. Workshop will develop biased on participative approach; leaner is the heart of the training.
Based on co-located learning I can use different innovative training techniques design. In order to catch learners’ attention, make them involve and help them get knowledge and skills which are related to their working practices.

•    Describe the macro organizational climate, physical, socio-cultural, and resource elements of the learning site. Also describe the micro “instructional” context focusing on environmental factors affecting the feasibility of planned instructional strategies.

The main building of MoE is in Dubai. Each Emirate have one local office of MoE it calles Zone. For example: For building of MoE in Ras AL khamiah called” R.A.K zone”. The total Zones of MoE are seven. The total of the public education in the U.A.E distributed on the Educational zone are 419 school. In addition, total number of public school in R.A.K is 90 schools.
The workshop will held in training hall, in one of the government’s school. The presenter has to reserve the hall before two weeks at least form the day of training. Training hall contains of five tables; one small table for presenter and four round big tables for participants. Each table is sufficient for five people. In the central of the tables there are pens , pencils and papers.  Also, there are computers in the back of the training hall. In addition, there are one data show and speakers connected to presenter computer.
The participants in the workshop are local teachers. All of teachers considered as adult learners ; their age between 22 to 45 years, and they have bachelor degree from different universities in U.A.E.

Participants will set in groups. Each group contain of five learners, round table will help them to work in group effectively. Also, there are supplies like pens, pencils and papers. In the back of the hall there are modern computers which facilitate learner to engage in activity depend on computer.  In addition, there are wireless cover all hall’s areas. presents have: computer , data show and speakers.
There are special table with computer in front of the hall for presenter. He can also use other technology for workshop like data show and speakers.


•    What implications do the identified contextual factors have on the design & delivery of instruction and learning activities:
o    Identify what contextual factors will facilitate the design & delivery of instruction and learning activities (provide opportunities)
?    -Face-to-face training mode will provide physical interactive between trainer and participants. In addition, it will give opportunity to select wide range of different activities.
?    Reservation of the training hall before two weeks at least (it will give the trainer opportunity to prepare himself and the material which will effect on the quality of design and delivery).
?    Teacher age (I will use andragogy principles in design and deliver the instruction and learning activities).
?    Training hall (it will provide me with suitable equipment to create any activity).

•    Identify what contextual factors will limit the design & delivery of instruction and learning activities (provide constraints)

?    All of the teachers are female, male and female learning in different way. Instructions and activities will be based on female abilities.
Different Prior-experience effect workshop content. Intensive workshop content could not be done because of different years of experience and their learning experiences.
Andragogical& Instructional Frameworks:(    (didn’t  answer)
•    Specify what andragogical theories and principles inform the design of your workshop with a rationale explaining your selection

•    Are there any utilized instructional theories specific to the subject matter that you are teaching? Mention & explain.
•    At least 4 works should be used effectively in this section and cited correctly according to the Harvard style.

Objectives& Outcomes
1.    Know-How (Skills)
•    List what learners will be able to do by the end of the workshop

By the end of the workshop, learners will be able to….
-Identify the relationship between technology and education.
-Describe teachers’ problems related to planning.
– Describe teachers’ problems related to drawing concept maps.
-Create lesson plan by using planbookedu software.
-Create concept mapping by using inspiration software for lessons
2.    Know-What (Big Ideas & Content)
2.1.    Big Ideas (Concepts):
•    Specify the concepts, themes, or processes that are at the heart of the workshop’s focus.
Education and tecnology-
-Planning lesson (What, why, how).
-Concepts mapping (What, why, how).
2.2.    Content:
•    List what learners will know by the end of the workshop.
•    Include a concept map showing the hierarchy and connections among content components: Big Ideas (Concepts) & Knowledge (you may insert the concept map in this
•    section or include in an appendix).

By the end of the workshop, learners will know….
-What is the relationship between technology and education?
-What are the major problems the teacher face in teaching related to planning?
-What are the major problems the teacher face in teaching related to concept mapping?
-What is “Planbookedu” software?
– Why do we need to use palnbookedu software? (Benefits)
-What is” inspiration” software?
– Why do we need to use inspiration software in the classroom? (Benefits)

Concept map: Appendix p.g 1

Summative Assessment
•    Design a summative assessment based on the CSCL design principles; in other words, your assessment should facilitate learning in groups using ICT tools.( Information and communications technology
•    The assessment should focus on performance-based, authentic, job-embedded tasks that align with the previously defined workshop objectives.
•    Use the template below to design this summative assessment.
Assessment Description:
•    Provide a brief description of this summative assessment (The purpose of this assessment:
•    Evaluate using planbookedu software through create lesson plan.
•    Using” inspiration” software through create concept mapping.
Assessment Process:(Using the 3Ts approach: Task, Time & Team)
•    Task (Specify what kind of task learners have to perform. This assessment should incorporate a learning scenario where students get assigned roles that form the foundation of their computer-mediated interactions and collaborative meaning-making).
o    The participants will take role of third grade math teacher and create a unit of lessons plans using planbookeu.It will contain of addition, subtraction and multiplication.
o    The participants will take a role of third grade science teacher and create a concept map using “inspiration” about animals group(fish , mammals and birds)

•    Time (Specify time schedule to carry out the task).
It will take a 40 minutes each summative assessment.

•    Team (Specify group composition and mode of interactions among its members).
Each group will contain of three learners, each group will divided the work between themselves.
Assessment Product:
•    Specify the outcome or the end product of the assessment that learners have to hand in.
in the end of the work shop they will introduce lessons plan of one unite contain (addition, subtraction and multiplication).In addition they will introduce concept maps of animals group contain of (fish , mammals and birds).

Assessment Evaluation:
•    Specify the assessment criteria in terms of a checklist or a rubric that you will use to evaluate learners’ performance.

-Demonstrate knowledge of using planbookeu.
-Meeting the three requirement topic addition, subtraction and multiplication.
-Demonstrate knowledge of using planbookeu.
-Meeting the requirement of concept map topic:animals groups(fish, mammals and birds)
-Work in team.

Learning Activities
(This refers to the plans of the two individual sessions you will develop)
•    Develop 2 sessions that are aligned with your pre-defined workshop objectives.
•    The flow of the activities in the two sessions should follow the Whole-Part-Whole (WPW) model.
•    The design of the learning activities should reflect awareness of the adult learners’ psychological variables (including learning styles, personality types, cognitive controls), which were identified in the Front-End-Analysis.
•    The design of the learning activities should facilitate meaningful collaborative learning.
•    Select and organize instructional materials and equipment with a main focus on technology/ computer integration.
•    Include copies of the materials you develop to deliver each workshop.  If you plan to use electronic resources, include the URL of those sources.
•    You must use the provided workshop sessions template for creating your workshop sessions plans(see below for the template).

1-    Workshop Evaluation Form
(To be Completed by your Learners)
•    Design your own workshop evaluation form to be completed by your learners at the end for the workshop to evaluate its effectiveness from their perspective.
I develop evaluation survey for participants:

Guidelines, Templates & Rubric for
Professional Development Project (30%)

(Due in Week 14 by 11:55 PM on Saturday, 20th of December 2014)


The goal of this individual project is for you to develop a quality plan for a professional development program with two sessions included (think of this as a two-day workshop). Through this instructional design activity, you will demonstrate your ability to design and assess adult learningthrough incorporating design aspects related to sound andragogical principles, adult learning design approaches, collaborative learning, and Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL), among others.

Note the following:
This professional development project has the following requirements:

•    Five written components: (All five components are to be submitted as ONE file through the VLE).
1.    Front-End Analysis
2.    Project Master Plan
3.    Plans for two individual training sessions
4.    Workshop Evaluation Form
5.    Reflective statement on the process of developing this adult instructional product

You must use the templates provided by the instructor to develop the first three components of the project outlined above. Further details and guidelines on each component are provided in the sections below.

•    Oral Presentation
Each learner will have 7-10 minutes to share their projects with the class during our virtual sessions focusing on: the process, the product &their reflections. You are to prepare up to 5 slides as a visual support when you present your project.

1-    Project Front End Analysis (FEA)

Title of Project:
Number of Sessions: Two
Project Delivery Mode:  ?Face-to-Face Learning?eLearning ?Blended Approach
Duration (in hours):
1. Project Focus Description:
•    Describe in clear terms the focus of your project
•    Explain why you are interested in this focus area for your professional development project
2.1. AndragogicalLearner Analysis
•    Describe the characteristics of the target learners / trainees based on the following categories:
1.    General Characteristics (Social & Cultural Backgrounds)
1.    Specific Entry / Prior Knowledge Characteristics
2.    Cognitive Characteristics & Learning Styles
3.    Personality Characteristics (Engagement & Incentives Styles)
•    What implications do the identified learners’ characteristics have on the instructional design task?
2.2. Needs Analysis
•    What is the need for instruction? Identify the nature of the performance problem or gap that your instructional project will help provide a solution for.
•    Present a discrepancy needs analysis, addressing the following:
o    Where are we? (current status)
o    Where do we want to go? (future status)
o    What is the best way to get there? (present an analysis of solutions/ alternatives)
(As much as possible, the needs assessment should incorporate the perceptions of the learners not just that of the organization/institution.)
2.3. Goals & Purposes for Learning
•    Specify the learning goals (individual, institutional) based on your Needs Analysis stated above.
2.4. Contextual / Situational Analysis
•    Indicate whether your learners’ community is co-located & distributed and how that impacts the design and delivery of your workshop.
•    Describe the macro organizational climate, physical, socio-cultural, and resource elements of the learning site. Also describe the micro “instructional” context focusing on environmental factors affecting the feasibility of planned instructional strategies.
•    What implications do the identified contextual factors have on the design & delivery of instruction and learning activities:
o    Identify what contextual factors will facilitate the design & delivery of instruction and learning activities (provide opportunities)
o    Identify what contextual factors will limit the design & delivery of instruction and learning activities (provide constraints)
3. Andragogical& Instructional Frameworks:
•    Specify what andragogical theories and principles inform the design of your workshop with a rationale explaining your selection
•    Are there any utilized instructional theories specific to the subject matter that you are teaching? Mention & explain.
•    At least 4 works should be used effectively in this section and cited correctly according to the Harvard style.

2-    Template for Project Master Plan
Objectives& Outcomes
1.    Know-How (Skills)
•    List what learners will be able to do by the end of the workshop

By the end of the workshop, learners will be able to….
2.    Know-What (Big Ideas & Content)
2.1.    Big Ideas (Concepts):
•    Specify the concepts, themes, or processes that are at the heart of the workshop’s focus.
2.2.    Content:
•    List what learners will know by the end of the workshop.
•    Include a concept map showing the hierarchy and connections among content components: Big Ideas (Concepts) & Knowledge (you may insert the concept map in this section or include in an appendix)

By the end of the workshop, learnerswill know….

Summative Assessment
•    Design a summative assessment based on the CSCL design principles; in other words, your assessment should facilitate learning in groups using ICT tools.
•    The assessment should focus on performance-based, authentic, job-embedded tasks that align with the previously defined workshop objectives.
•    Use the template below to design this summative assessment.
Assessment Description:
•    Provide a brief description of this summative assessment (The purpose of this assessment is to evaluate…… through …)
Assessment Process:(Using the 3Ts approach: Task, Time & Team)
•    Task (Specify what kind of task learners have to perform. This assessment should incorporate a learning scenario where students get assigned roles that form the foundation of their computer-mediated interactions and collaborative meaning-making).

•    Time (Specify time schedule to carry out the task).
•    Team (Specify group composition and mode of interactions among its members).
Assessment Product:
•    Specify the outcome or the end product of the assessment that learners have to hand in.
Assessment Evaluation:
•    Specify the assessment criteria in terms of a checklist or a rubric that you will use to evaluate learners’ performance.

Learning Activities
(This refers to the plans of the two individual sessions you will develop)
•    Develop 2 sessions that are aligned with your pre-defined workshop objectives.
•    The flow of the activities in the two sessions should follow the Whole-Part-Whole (WPW) model.
•    The design of the learning activities should reflect awareness of the adult learners’ psychological variables (including learning styles, personality types, cognitive controls), which were identified in the Front-End-Analysis.
•    The design of the learning activities should facilitate meaningful collaborative learning.
•    Select and organize instructional materials and equipment with a main focus on technology/ computer integration.
•    Include copies of the materials you develop to deliver each workshop.  If you plan to use electronic resources, include the URL of those sources.
•    You must use the provided workshop sessions template for creating your workshop sessions plans(see below for the template).

3-    Template for Individual Workshop Session Plans
Brief Summary of the Workshop Session:
Workshop Session Title:
Workshop Delivery Mode:     ?Face-to-Face Learning?eLearning ?Blended ApproachWorkshop Session Duration (in hours):
Workshop Session Summary/ Overview:

Objectives & Outcomes
Know-How (Skills)
By the end of this session, learners will be able to….    Know-What (Content)
By the end of the workshop, learners will know….
Learning Activities:  The flow of the activities in the two sessions you will develop should follow the Whole-Part-Whole (WPW) model
Name of Activity    The Facilitator will…    The learner will…

Formative Assessments(Use the OTHER category below to specify assessment strategies that are not listed below)
Assessment Strategy    Description
Facilitator Observation
Resources Used in the Session:List the print and web resource that will support this workshop, both facilitator’s (instruction) resources &learners’ (learning) resources
Type of Resource:    Name of Resource (List websites URL’s here if applicable):

4-    Workshop Evaluation Form
(To be Completed by your Learners)
•    Design your own workshop evaluation form to be completed by your learners at the end for the workshop to evaluate its effectiveness from their perspective.

5-    Reflective Statement
Write a one-page reflective statement in which you cover the following:
?    Address what you learned from going through the process of designing instruction to facilitate the learning for a group of adults.
?    Evaluate your own satisfaction level with the professional development instructional product that you created (self-assessment).

Professional Development Project (30%)
(Due in Week 14 by 11:55 PM on Saturday, 20th of December 2014)

Student Name: _______________
Grade: _______________

Exceeds standard    Meets standard    Working to standard    Comments
Content Coverage
Includes all required sections specified above.
1.    Front-End Analysis
2.    Project Master Plan
3.    Plans for two individual training session
4.    Workshop Evaluation Form
5.    Reflective statement on the process of developing this adult instructional product
Templates Use
•    Uses provided templates with all their required sections and components.
Key Learning Points
•    Demonstrates understanding of key course content through making connections
•    Shows evidence of ability to bridge theory to practice
Technology Integration
•    Integrates appropriate technology throughout the workshop. Integration is explicitly stated and is employed to increase learners’ engagement, insight, and understanding.

Collaborative Learning Design
•    Learning activities & assessment strategies are designed to facilitate meaningful collaborative learning.
AndragogicalLearning Design
•    Learning activities & assessment strategies design reflects awareness of the learners’ psychological variables (including learning styles, personality types, cognitive controls).
Evidence of Alignment
•    The developed workshop functions as a solution to the needs assessment identified in the Front-End Analysis (FEA).
•    The assessments and learning activities are aligned with workshop’s pre-determined learning objectives.
Research Use
•    References are used effectively and powerfully in the text and are cited correctly according to the Harvard style.
•    At least 4 works are cited.
Thought Organization
•    Uses clear and logical thought organization with good levels of flow and readability
Language Conventions
•    Uses appropriate language conventions (vocabulary, grammar, spelling, punctuation)
Workshop Evaluation Form
•    Is designed to evaluate the effectiveness of the workshop from the perspective of the learners.
Reflective Statement:
•    Addresses what was learned from the process of designing instruction for adults
•    Evaluates own satisfaction level with the created instructional product
Oral Presentation:
•    Shares instructional project (process, product & reflections) with the class virtually.
Note that not all of the above-listed elements are of equal importance. The instructor uses the elements in this rubric to generate a grade for this project.


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