Posted: September 14th, 2017

Australian Equity and Trusts

The Research Essay provides an opportunity to examine more deeply some of the challenging and fascinating aspects of equity and to develop formal legal writing skills. These writing skills are essential tools of a lawyer: making submissions to court or writing about the law requires accurate research skills and a high level of written communication skills.

Aim of Research Essay: The aim of the exercise is to attempt to write an article to submit to a refereed legal journal such as the Australian Law Journal, or the Journal of Equity. You should assume that you are writing to qualified lawyers, but lawyers who may not be experts in equity.

Assessment Criteria: Markers of the research essays will be looking for evidence that you:
• _use the Introduction to set out the argument to be developed (not just to repeat the question);
• _understand the relevant law and can apply it to the particular question the subject of the essay;
• _have developed his or her own argument through the essay;
• _can write with appropriate use of legal conventions, and in an appropriate academic style.
• _address all the main aspects of and clearly answer the question;
• _can use correct grammar, punctuation and spelling;

• _structure and organise the essay in a way that is easy for the reader to follow (the use of headings and sub-headings is encouraged);

• _demonstrate a critically reflective and insightful approa…

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