Posted: August 27th, 2013

autism in children

autism in children
Prepare a research paper that explores a psychological diagnosis related to children. Topics should be selected from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV-TR). The research paper should discuss:
a. Possible causes of the disorder (include neurological information if applicable)
b. Prevalence
c. Differentiating criteria
d. Progression of the disorder
e. Developmental and cultural considerations
f. Assessment process
g. Treatment considerations (included school based recommendations and referrals)
Your research paper should include the following headings: (a) Causes, (b) Prevalence, (c) Differentiating Criteria, (d) Progression of the Disorder, (e) Developmental and cultural considerations, (f) Assessment Process and (g) Treatment Considerations. You will note that these headings are aligned with each of the required discussion items above.

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