Posted: September 16th, 2017

Aveda Customer Profile

Branding has come along way since the first efforts of home good producers to differentiate their flour or oats from their competitors (recall Henry Parsons Crowell and the development of the Quaker Oats cylinder).
Review the Aveda web site (, and then develop and agree upon a profile for the Aveda consumer.
As you discuss and project your image of the Aveda customer, be sure to consider the many facets of the site:
-Its aesthetic: the color palette, the cinematic intro, the tone of the language.
-Review the company’s mission statement and the founders bio.
-Look at all the products available on the site.
-Review the civic call to action; the protect the planet section.
-How do each of these factors contribute to the image of the customer?
As you list the characteristics of the Aveda customer, distinguish which are demographic statistics and which are projected personality attributes.

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