Posted: September 13th, 2017

Aversion therapy utilizes conditioning as a treatment for alcohol and drug abuse. Locate one peer-reviewed article on aversion therapy published within the past five to six years. The article should describe an original study using aversion therapy to treat alcohol and/or drug abuse. Your assignment must contain the following:

Aversion therapy utilizes conditioning as a treatment for alcohol and drug abuse.  Locate one peer-reviewed article on aversion therapy published within the past five to six years.  The article should describe an original study using aversion therapy to treat alcohol and/or drug abuse.  Your assignment must contain the following:

1.  Summarize the article, including the purpose of the study, outcome, and recommendations.
2.  Explain how the principles of conditioning are incorporated in the treatment.
3.  Evaluate the effectiveness of the study using learning principles from the readings and external sources.

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