Posted: September 13th, 2017

Back to the Future. Use your critical thinking skills to discuss what was encoded in the film by its producers, and what your own interpretation of the film is.

Back to the Future. Use your critical thinking skills to discuss what was encoded in the film by its producers, and what your own interpretation of the film is.

What ideologies or values are encoded most obviously in the film? That is, judging from the plot, characters, etc. what did the producers set out to say with this film?
Below the surface, more in-depth, what ideologies or values can be decoded in the film? Is there more going on than what the producers encoded on the surface? How do you read this film?
How does your reading, or decoding, of the film differ from what the producers encoded most obviously? Do you agree with what the producers encoded?

Refer back to pages 12-20 in America on Film for a refresher and an example case study.

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