Posted: September 16th, 2017

Barriers to Advancement of African American Women to Senior Leadership Positions in Corporate America.

Write chapter two (literature review) for a dissertation on the topic of “Barriers to Advancement of African American Women to Senior Leadership Positions in Corporate America.”  The introduction chapter of the dissertation is attached (for your reference as to the direction of the paper).  Also attached you will find the start of the literature review.  You need to continue adding information to the document (15 more pages to the literature review) and remove any references older than 2005.
The paper should discuss at least the following topics.  More topics can be added that are deemed necessary (let me know beforehand what topics you plan to add). Include subheadings where each section begins.
•    Black feminist theory
•    Leadership perspectives
•    Black feminist leadership theory
•    The glass ceiling (and the concrete ceiling as a subtopic)
•    Strategies to break down barriers (mentoring, diversity training, and networking as subtopics)

APA 6th edition rules should be used for attributing sources. All sources should be dated 2005-2014.

Use the attached checklist to make sure the paper meets all the criteria for the chapter

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