Posted: September 14th, 2017

Behavioural Observations

Behavioural Observations
Assignment #1
Due: November 10, 2013 (Submit word files to Instructor via Drop Box in Angel)
For this assignment you will need to review the material on Angel with respect to behavioural observations (see Module 7: Outcome #2).
Once reviewed please proceed with the following for your assignment:
1. You will need to ask six people, one at a time, to make facial expressions to reflect the following emotions
a. Anger
b. Disgust
c. Fear
d. Happiness
e. Sadness
f. Surprise
2. Make notes on the physical manifestation of the facial expressions. How did they differ between the emotions across all subjects? Describe your ability to recognize the emotions in the subjects? Was there a particular emotion that stood out? In what way (e.g., most easily recognized, most difficult to recognize, etc.)?
3. Gather information from the subjects about their impressions of the task. Was it difficult? Were certain emotions easier to express than others?
4. Compile this information into a 3-5 page paper (APA Format).
a. Discuss the aspects outlined above,
b. AND relate your experience to the various methods of observation covered in this section
i. Describe the methods of observation that were incorporated into this assignment?
ii. Describe the other methods (the ones not involved here) and how might you use them if you had this assignment to do over again?
NOTE: The various forms of observation will be incorporated into your final assignment, so this is good practice.


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