Posted: December 12th, 2016

benefits of use of dispersed knowledge costs of employee of buy in costs of collective action problems problem of the free rider

In addition to other factors, the increased use of technology and the reduced costs of information transfer for local office to corporate headquarters has:
significantly increased the need for centralized decision making
only brought about increased costs to decentralization
reduced needs for middle managers and increased the scope of local decision making powers
shown that technology has little impact on the centralization issue

A job in sales such as a sales representative for an agricultural chemical company usually represents:
many tasks and little sales authority
few tasks and very little sales authority
many tasks and a lot of sales authority
few tasks and a lot of sales authority

Kevin Freeman is the head of a team developing plastic knee replacements. Each member of the team brings specialized knowledge to the innovation process. Without both engineers and materials specialists, the project could not be successful. This an example of the:
benefits of use of dispersed knowledge
costs of employee of buy in
costs of collective action problems
problem of the free rider

Functional (U Form) organizations work best in:
large, geographically spread out companies
companies with many products
small, specialized compaines
industries with rapidly changing technology

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