Posted: September 13th, 2017

Bilical discussion question

Essay questions should be 3 well-developed paragraphs. Philosophy of
Biblical interpretation. Please a strong detail and write on topic,in
own words; very important to stay on topics while writing. Total 19
Essay questions Thanks

1.Luther, the key to Paul’s teaching could by expressed in these
words: “The truth of the Gospel is this law, that our righteousness
comes by faith alone, without the works of the Law.” Elaborate and
explain Luther’s doctrine of Faith alone from Paul’s letter to the
Romans. Why is it such an important argument in protestant
theology?Essay 3 paragraph
2.What are the problems associated with the search for the Historical
Jesus? Cite Albert Schwitzer and John Dominic Crossan and Rudolf
Bultmann and Martin Hengel.( Essay 3 paragraph )
THE SCRIPTURES .( Essay 3 paragraph )
*Total 3 paragraphs on each *
****4.”Three Traditional but less helpful approaches essay: Evaluate
these three interpretive approaches by developing a pro and con
position for each one.
***** In a concluding paragraph you should elaborate your personal
view of how bible scripture should be read and interpreted in order to
gain an authentic understanding of any particular text/book. Essay 3
*****a. The naive literalist’s claim that the Bible needs no
interpretation has a pros of not engaging the reader with too much
thinking and just taking the written text in a literal meaning. It
claims that the believer needs to read in faith and obey and allow the
Holy Spirit to show the meaning. This approach has a disadvantage of
not getting a true meaning because there are texts which warrant a
deeper meaning.( *rewrite from scratch*)
**** b. Allegory interpretation has the advantage of finding a deeper
meaning of what a certain context in the Bible is and why it was
written .It gives the reader an opportunity to relate what is written
and how it relates to him/her. This is illustrated in page two, where
Clement of Alexandria talks about the red cord that was suspended from
the door of the whore who hosted the Israel spies, and which was
interpreted to mean the blood of Christ. However, allegory as warned
by many reformers has the disadvantage of allowing people to impose
their meaning on the scriptures(*.rewrite from scratch*)
**** c. Authoritarian interpretation presents an advantage of allowing
the priests to interpret to the masses what the Bible teachings meant.
This allowed the church to be the authority, and the priests were
scholars who had mastered the bible and were well placed to give this
interpretations. The disadvantage of this approach was that the Latin
language was the authoritarian version of the scripture, and reformers
demanded that it be translated from original languages of Hebrew and
Greek to the language of the people for better understanding. It was
also viewed that people who presented differences in opinion were
reprimanded.*(rewrite from scratch)*
5. How would you explain the religious relationship between the Hebrew
Bible (Old Testament) and the New Testament. Use the opinions and
theories you have read in the text to elaborate your views. (Essay 3

6. What was the Exodus Event? What is its significance for individual
lives of Jewish and Christian believers today? Essay 3 paragraphs

7. What is the significance of the covenant for the early Hebrew
leaders and prophets? What was it and why did it remain a special
focal point for Jewish belief in God?( Essay 3 paragraphs)

8. What are the problems inherent in a literalist, historical approach
to the Biblical text? (Essay 3 paragraphs)

9. What did Nathan the prophet warn David not to do, and why? What is
the significance of the phrase “House of David”. What can it mean?
(Essay 3 paragraph )
10. Discuss the literary style and especially the theological meaning
of the Book of Job (Essay 3 paragraph)
11. What imagery does Hosea the prophet use to convey his message of
fidelity? What are the possible interpretations of this imagery?
(Essay 3 paragraph)
12. Discuss the historical background and the theological teachings of
the Book of Jeremiah. Why the lamentations? (Essay 3 paragraph)
13. Describe/Discuss the Religious situation in Israel when Jesus
lived. (Essay 3 paragraph)
14. Describe/Discuss the Political situation in Israel when Jesus
lived. (Essay 3 paragraph)
15. Discuss the Oral Traditions about Jesus Describe how the writer’s
of the Gospels composed their Gospels.( Essay 3 paragraph )

16. In the book of the Acts of the Apostles, explain how Acts is a
book of theology.( Essay 3 paragraph )
17. What are the theological significance of the feasts of the
Ascension and Pentecost? (Essay 3 paragraph)

18. What are the important theological teachings from Paul’s letter to
the Thessalonians? (Essay 3 paragraph)

19. What is of theological importance in the letter to the Galatians?
(Essay 3 paragraph)

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