Posted: September 13th, 2017

blog: Think like an account planner

blog: Think like an account planner

think like an account planner. Here’s a campaign from National Australia Bank (NAB) giving home owners advice. Have a read of its coverage in Mumbrella and a look at the campaign itself (possibly several times). see the links below.
I know we are going about the process in reverse – and assuming that this campaign has eloquently captured the strategy – but look at some of the things we talked in class. Drawing on what you know about the banking industry and the home market, what do you think is the consumer insight in this campaign? What do you think is the advertising strategy? Articulate a potential advertising strategy in one sentence. How will this build competitive advantage for NAB?

NAB continue home loan push with ad featuring bizarre advice for home buyers

You have to see the ad several times until you completely understand the message. When I demonstrated the “Got Milk?” campaign in the lecture, I showed background (e.g., situation analysis) first, then research, consumer insight, ad strategy, and actual TV ads.
Consider a situation that you don’t know anything about the “Got Milk?” campaign just like this week’s blog assignment. We are taking a backward step. Suppose that you just saw the “Got Milk” original ad. The ad message may be clear for you: Food without milk makes us frustrated. Now, consider the ad strategy using a sentence. Here is an example: To persuade consumers to buy milk more frequently to avoid frustration without milk. There might be many different ways to express it. One sentence summary may be challenging, but it is useful to summarize your thought.
Now think about what was the consumer insight? For the “Got Milk” case, the insight was from a question; “how do consumers use milk?” Then they developed and tested their hypothesis: ___ + milk vs. milk + ____. They confirmed that very little milk is consumed in isolation and milk is a complement to a food item. Now, back to this week’s assignment and think about any possible consumer insight. Again, we are going backward: the ad –> ad stratgey, then, –> consumer insight.  It is your speculation: No right or wrong answer. You already know that a consumer insight often drives advertising strategy. It can be an interesting thought process. You can offer multiple consumer insights.
A competitive advantage is an advantage over competitors when the ad successfully delivers the core message to target consumers.

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